<49034876 txt 49034876.rtf thm txt.png ttl "Anterior circumflex artery of the humeral head" >
<49035848 txt 49035848.rtf thm txt.png ttl "Anterior circumflex vein of the humeral head" >
<38650250 img ll\img\38650250.jpg thm 38650250.png ttl "Anterior glenohumeral joint dislocation: new bone anterior glenoid formed under stripped periosteum" >
<38610980 img ll\img\38610980.jpg thm 38610980.png ovl ll\img\38610980.txt ttl "Difference between internal and external rotation on the potential space of the subscapularis bursa" >
<38610350 img ll\img\38610350.jpg thm 38610350.png ovl ll\img\38610350.txt ttl "MR coronal arthrogram of type I biceps labral complex" >
<38610550 img ll\img\38610550.jpg thm 38610550.png ovl ll\img\38610550.txt ttl "MR coronal arthrogram of type III biceps labral complex" >
<38610940 img ll\img\38610940.jpg thm 38610940.png ovl ll\img\38610940.txt ttl "MR coronal plane of SLAP lesion with linear hyperintensity superior labrum" >
<38610690 img ll\img\38610690.jpg thm 38610690.png ovl ll\img\38610690.txt ttl "MR example of cord-like MGL axial plane on MR arthrogram" >
<38630140 img ll\img\38630140.jpg thm 38630140.png ovl ll\img\38630140.txt ttl "Superior glenohumeral ligament and long head of biceps, arthroscopic view" >
<38610140 img ll\img\38610140.jpg thm 38610140.png ovl ll\img\38610140.txt ttl "Tear of the supraspinatus tendon representing a partial tear of the bursal surface" >